There are many products of daily use that a person can make at home, it is not a necessity to buy the ready-made furniture with the design a person doesn’t like. The handmade items are great in looks as they are created by the design of the person’s own mind and they also save a huge amount of money, which is the best thing when it comes to fulfilling the furniture need of the home. We always collect the images of innovative furniture pieces to show you, so you can copy them to impress others and here is an idea of DIY wood pallet TV stand plan.
As you can see, there are 3 layers of the reclaimed wood pallet TV stand, so first of all a person has to create the base and the upper 2 layers prior to going to the second step.
The pallets need to be used with care and they need to be cut properly to fit the shape of the TV stand. You can see that the stand is looking nice and the pallets are placed straight to create the surface of the TV stand.
Now here comes the step of making the back of the repurposed wood pallet, so which the support of the back is to create first and then the whole back is created. The back of the TV stand is on the upper layer on which the TV will be fixed.
Here you can see the pallet block is fixed to the back with the item to attach the TV, the lower layer is covered with the doors as it is a storage space for the items that are linked to the TV. The remaining space is for placing the decorative items for adorning the TV launch.
The image presented here is an idea of how you can set the TV stand with the TV and the other items. The hooks for attaching the doors are painted black and the combination of brown with black is looking awesome.
Here is the look of the area in which your handmade upcycled wood pallet TV stand will be placed, no one can say that it is not looking great. It is an innovative idea, which will impress the visitors and will surely make the TV launch look good. The pallets are not painted for this idea and they are not giving a weird look.
Project done by: Sebastien Demonchaux